Joey earns $7.65 an hour at his part-time job. He received a 20% raise. How much will Joey now earn for working 40 hours? 367.20

100% + 20% = 1.2

7.65 * 1.2 * 40 = ?

To calculate Joey's new earnings after receiving a 20% raise, you first need to find out how much the raise represents.

Step 1: Find the amount of the raise.
20% of Joey's current hourly wage can be calculated by multiplying the current wage by 0.20.
0.20 x $7.65 = $1.53

Step 2: Add the raise to Joey's current hourly wage to find the new hourly wage.
Joey's new hourly wage will be his current wage plus the raise.
$7.65 + $1.53 = $9.18

Step 3: Multiply the new hourly wage by the number of hours worked to find the new total earnings.
$9.18 x 40 hours = $367.20

Therefore, Joey will now earn $367.20 for working 40 hours after receiving a 20% raise.