Writing an argument essay on why Michael Jackson is the worlds greatest entertainer of all time. Some counter arguments I thought of are how people can say he was "back in his time" but not anymore, and i can back it up with stating facts. I have written my body of the essay because that part contains my opinion but I was wondering if anyone could help me come up with ideas for the intro? I need a good hook which draws the reader in and i was thinking my background could be defining what the greatest entertainer means? Not sure how to word all this and i really need a good intro and hook, can anyone give me ideas? not links please :)

How about using words from one of his songs as a hook?


Only you can write this. Post what you write and someone may critique it for you.

Im having trouble coming up with ideas? I dont want to use his words from a song just yet since I have to state my opinion later on in the essay, for the thesis. I was thinking to say something to do with music ? but again thats not the topic?

You could use these words as a hook.

": Heal the world / Make it a better place / For you and for me / And the entire human race…"

Then you could tie it that hook into your thesis.

Don't you think he made the world a better place?

Thats really good but my topic is why hes the greatest entertainer, not what he did outside of music?

Didn't his music make the world a better place?

You know his music. Maybe you can find a more suitable quote.

yah you are right, thanks ill try to think of something.