When reading aloud to a group of toddlers at the beginning of the year, why would the teacher choose to read a book that students may have already heard at home? A. The teacher wants the students to feel comfortable and it will help create a rapport. B. The teacher doesn't want the read aloud to be too difficult. C. The teacher wants the students to tell the story. D. The teacher is limited to sharing stories the students have already heard.

I chose answer C because my text says choose short stories they will know and invite their participation.

Is that the best answer for the beginning of the year?

No I'm having difficulty finding more. My first answer was originally A

I vote for A.

Answer C is incorrect. While it is true that the teacher may want to encourage student participation and engagement during the read aloud, this does not necessarily mean that the book should be one that students have already heard.

To find the correct answer, let's go through the other choices and eliminate the incorrect ones:

A. The teacher wants the students to feel comfortable and it will help create a rapport.
This answer choice makes sense because reading a book that students may have already heard at home can make them feel more comfortable and familiar in the classroom setting. It can help create a positive and welcoming environment, which is important at the beginning of the year when students are still getting to know their teacher and classmates.

B. The teacher doesn't want the read aloud to be too difficult.
While selecting a book that is not too difficult can certainly be a consideration, it is not the main reason for choosing a book that students may have already heard. The difficulty level can be adjusted through the teacher's reading style, scaffolding, or choosing books with appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure for toddlers.

D. The teacher is limited to sharing stories the students have already heard.
This answer choice suggests that the teacher is limited in their choice of books. However, there is no indication in the question that the teacher is restricted to sharing only stories the students have already heard. Therefore, it is an incorrect answer choice.

Now that we have eliminated the incorrect options, we can confidently say that the correct answer is A: The teacher wants the students to feel comfortable, and it will help create a rapport. By choosing a book that students may have already heard at home, the teacher can create a sense of familiarity and make the students feel more at ease in the classroom. This can lead to a stronger teacher-student relationship and a more positive learning environment.