What would a substance that boils at 70 degrees celsius at 30 kPa be?

I'm really not sure on how to find this.

What is a liquid that exhibits abnormal behaviour when it solidifies?

It has to be a liquid other then water, and I'm really struggling to find it. I appreciate the help!

oops sorry I meant to post that one as a new question ^


To determine the substance that boils at a specific temperature and pressure, you need to refer to a phase diagram or a database of physical properties. However, I can guide you through the general process.

1. Collect the necessary data: In this case, you know the boiling point (70 degrees Celsius) and the pressure (30 kPa).

2. Examine a phase diagram or physical property database: Look for a phase diagram or a database that provides boiling points at various pressures for different substances. This information can typically be found in chemistry textbooks, online databases, or specialized software.

3. Search for substances with a boiling point around 70 degrees Celsius: Use the phase diagram or database to identify substances that boil close to the given temperature. Narrow down your search based on the range of boiling points provided.

4. Consider the pressure: Check if any of the identified substances have a boiling point of around 70 degrees Celsius at 30 kPa. Cross-reference the boiling point at various pressures and find a match.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine the substance that boils at 70 degrees Celsius at 30 kPa.