A meteorite is DIFFERENT from a comet mainly because

has a tail of ice and dust
enters the earth's atmosphere***
has a nucleus made of snow and rock
is found in the orbit between Mars and Jupiter



A meteorite is different from a comet mainly because it enters the earth's atmosphere (correct option highlighted with ***) whereas a comet has a tail of ice and dust.

A meteorite is different from a comet mainly because a comet has a tail of ice and dust. However, to determine the precise difference, we can analyze the options given.

Option 1: "Has a tail of ice and dust" - This describes a comet, as comets are known for their distinct tails formed by vaporized ice and dust particles as they approach the Sun.

Option 2: "Enters the Earth's atmosphere" - This statement can differentiate a meteorite from a comet. A meteorite is a small rocky or metallic object that survives its journey through Earth's atmosphere and lands on the surface, while a comet generally remains in its orbit and does not enter the Earth's atmosphere.

Option 3: "Has a nucleus made of snow and rock" - This describes a comet, as comets typically have a solid core or nucleus composed of a combination of ice, dust, and rock.

Option 4: "Is found in the orbit between Mars and Jupiter" - This describes a specific region in our solar system called the asteroid belt, which is located between Mars and Jupiter. However, it does not necessarily differentiate between a meteorite and a comet.

Therefore, the correct answer is that a meteorite is different from a comet mainly because it enters the Earth's atmosphere.