A hurricane becomes more powerful be evaporating water from?


1. Over time, scientists have changed their model of our solar system. It has transitioned from
a sun-centered to an moon-centered model.
a sun-centered to an earth-centered model.
an earth-centered to a sun-centered model.***?
a moon-centered to an earth-centered model.

looks good

thx! I have a couple more questions but I will post them above:)

yo thx

I just want to remind you guys that jesus loves you so much and he died in the cross for our sins so we can have enternal life with jesus AMEN

To answer the question about a hurricane becoming more powerful by evaporating water from, you need to understand the water cycle and how it relates to hurricanes.

First, hurricanes are large, powerful storms that form over warm ocean waters near the equator. They obtain their energy from the evaporation of warm ocean water. When sunlight heats the ocean's surface, the water molecules gain energy and turn into water vapor, a process known as evaporation.

As water vapor rises into the atmosphere, it cools and condenses into clouds, releasing heat in the process. This heat warms up the surrounding air, causing it to rise and create an area of low pressure at the surface. The low-pressure area draws in more air from its surroundings, which then heats up, rises, and creates a feedback loop that strengthens the storm.

So, the answer to the question is oceans. Hurricanes become more powerful by evaporating water from the warm ocean surface, where there is an ample supply of heat and moisture to fuel their development.

Now, transitioning to the second question about the model of our solar system, the correct answer is C) an earth-centered to a sun-centered model.

In ancient times, people believed in a geocentric model, which means they thought the Earth was at the center of the universe, with the Sun, Moon, and other planets orbiting around it. This geocentric model was prevalent in most civilizations for thousands of years.

However, over time, through scientific advancements and observations, a heliocentric model emerged. This heliocentric model suggests that the Sun is at the center of our solar system, and the Earth and other planets revolve around it.

The transition from the geocentric to the heliocentric model was a significant shift in our understanding of the solar system. It was made possible by the work of scientists like Nicolaus Copernicus, who proposed the heliocentric theory, and later supported by observations and calculations made by other astronomers, such as Johannes Kepler and Isaac Newton.

Therefore, the correct answer for the transition in the model of our solar system is C) an earth-centered to a sun-centered model.