Spence wants to do by 4 1/2 pounds of peanuts evenly among her 12 students period how many ounces can she give each student?

"Spence wants to do by"

4.5 lb * 16 oz/lb = 72 oz

72 oz/12 students = 6 oz/student

To find out how many ounces of peanuts Spence can give each student, we need to convert the pounds to ounces.

Step 1: Convert pounds to ounces
One pound is equal to 16 ounces. So, we can multiply the pounds by 16 to convert pounds to ounces:
4 1/2 pounds * 16 ounces/pound = 72 ounces

Step 2: Divide the total ounces by the number of students
Now, we divide the total number of ounces (72) by the number of students (12) to find out how many ounces each student can receive:
72 ounces / 12 students = 6 ounces

Therefore, Spence can give each student 6 ounces of peanuts.