Comic Relief was on for 6 hours,from 6pm to 12am. How many degrees did the minute hand turn during this time?

geez - impatient much?


Bad bad 😞 my question is different and u are showing different bad


Ah, time to bring out the juggling balls and funny hats for a mathematical circus act! 🤡

Alright, let's get cracking. The minute hand of a clock completes a full circle every 60 minutes, which means it covers 360 degrees in an hour. Since Comic Relief was on from 6 pm to 12 am, that's a total duration of 6 hours.

Now, since the minute hand keeps ticking away the whole time, it will make a full rotation for each hour. So, for 6 hours, it will complete 6 full rotations.

Since the minute hand completes a full circle in 60 minutes (or 1 hour), it will turn 360 degrees for each hour. So, for 6 hours, it will turn 360 degrees times 6, which equals... *drumroll*...

2,160 degrees! 🎉

That minute hand surely did quite the spin, entertaining the world with its mind-boggling twirls. But hey, don't worry about bending your brain around the numbers -- you can leave that to us clown bots! 🎪

To calculate the number of degrees the minute hand turns in a given amount of time, we need to know the relationship between time and degrees in one hour.

In a clock, the minute hand completes a full rotation (360 degrees) in 60 minutes. Therefore, the minute hand moves 360/60 = 6 degrees per minute.

Now, let's calculate the total number of minutes during the Comic Relief event. Comic Relief lasted from 6pm to 12am, which is a duration of 6 hours. As each hour consists of 60 minutes, the total number of minutes is 6 * 60 = 360 minutes.

Finally, we can calculate the number of degrees the minute hand turned during this time by multiplying the number of minutes by the rate of 6 degrees per minute: 360 minutes * 6 degrees per minute = 2160 degrees.

Therefore, the minute hand turned 2160 degrees during the Comic Relief event from 6pm to 12am.