If 1/2 x years ago Adam was 12,and1/2 x years from now he will be 2x years old,how old will he be 3x years from now?

a - x/2 = 12

a + x/2 = 2x

x = 2x-12
x = 12

finish it off

To solve this problem, let's break it down step-by-step:

Step 1: Calculate Adam's current age.
Since "1/2 x years ago Adam was 12," it means that 1/2 x years ago Adam was 12 years old. Let's denote Adam's current age as A.

So, A - (1/2)x = 12.

Step 2: Calculate Adam's age in 1/2 x years.
According to the given information, "1/2 x years from now he will be 2x years old." Let's denote Adam's age in 1/2 x years as B.

So, A + (1/2)x = 2x.

Step 3: Solve the equations simultaneously.
Now we have two equations:

A - (1/2)x = 12
A + (1/2)x = 2x

We can solve this system of equations to find the values of A and x.

Adding the two equations together, we get:

2A = 12 + 2x
2A = 2(x + 6)

So, A = x + 6.

Substituting the value of A in one of the equations, we get:

(x + 6) - (1/2)x = 12
Simplifying this equation, we get:

x/2 = 6
x = 12

Step 4: Calculate Adam's age 3x years from now.
Now that we have the value of x, we can find Adam's current age (A) and calculate his age 3x years from now.

A = x + 6
A = 12 + 6
A = 18

Adam's current age is 18. To find his age 3x years from now, we substitute the value of x into the equation:

Adam's age 3x years from now = 18 + 3(12)
Adam's age 3x years from now = 18 + 36
Adam's age 3x years from now = 54

Therefore, Adam will be 54 years old 3x years from now.