A canadian television station shows 16 mins of commercials every hour between 8am and 11pm everyday. How many minutes of commercials are there on the station between 8 am and 11 pm in 365 days?


uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..no clue-

i need to know


To find the total number of minutes of commercials on the Canadian television station between 8 am and 11 pm in 365 days, we need to calculate the number of hours the commercials are shown each day and then multiply it by the number of days in a year.

First, we need to determine the number of hours the commercials are shown per day. We know that there are 16 minutes of commercials every hour. Since the television station operates between 8 am and 11 pm, there are a total of 15 hours (11 - 8 + 1) in a day.

So, the number of minutes of commercials shown per day can be calculated as:
Number of minutes of commercials per day = Number of hours in a day * Number of minutes per hour
Number of minutes of commercials per day = 15 * 16
Number of minutes of commercials per day = 240 minutes

Next, we need to calculate the number of minutes of commercials shown in 365 days. We can multiply the number of minutes of commercials per day by the number of days in a year:
Number of minutes of commercials in 365 days = Number of minutes of commercials per day * Number of days in a year
Number of minutes of commercials in 365 days = 240 * 365
Number of minutes of commercials in 365 days = 87,600 minutes

Therefore, the Canadian television station shows 87,600 minutes of commercials between 8 am and 11 pm in 365 days.

15 * 365 * 16 = _______ minutes


i need help on that

who likes anime -.- kAKErUi yUmeKO JabAMI

ms.sue u said the answer but what do we do with them. multiply ?