The regulations creditworthiness people obtain charge accounts, loans, mortgages, and other kind of credit by not allowing creditors to treat applicants unfairly. But the regulations do not quarantee the applicant credit. Creditors may still determine creditworthiness by considering such factors as the income, expenses, age, debts, and reliability of the applicant. All creditors who regularly extend credit are covered by these regulations, including banks, small loan, and finance companies, retail and department stores, credit card companies, and credit unions.

Support for the passage of these regulations most likely came from

(1) banks
(2) consumer organizations
(3) finance companies
(4) credit card companies
(5)retail stores

I pick #1 can someone please check my answer

I agree. But check your text to be sure.

To determine the most likely support for the passage of these regulations, we need to analyze the information provided in the passage. The passage states that regulations were put in place to prevent creditors from treating applicants unfairly when they apply for credit accounts, loans, mortgages, etc. Therefore, the passage suggests that the regulations were established to protect consumers' rights and prevent unfair practices by creditors.

Considering this information, the most likely support for the passage of these regulations would come from consumer organizations (option 2). Consumer organizations are advocacy groups that work to protect the rights and interests of consumers. They would likely support regulations that aim to ensure fairness in credit application processes.

While banks (option 1), finance companies (option 3), credit card companies (option 4), and retail stores (option 5) may also have a stake in these regulations due to their involvement in providing credit, the primary focus of the passage is on protecting consumers from unfair treatment. Therefore, option 2, consumer organizations, is the most appropriate choice.