1.How does a flip work? pretend your on a trampoline and jump vertically. How can you jump up in the air and flip.Where is the force coming from to give you a torque?

2.Do you add up linear momentum and rotational momentum for a net momentum? Like energy?

1. When performing a flip on a trampoline, the force that allows you to flip is generated through a combination of your initial jump and the torque you create during the rotation. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how it works:

a) Jump: When you jump on the trampoline, you push off against the surface with your legs. This action generates an upward force that propels you higher into the air.

b) Tuck and Rotation: As you reach the peak of your jump, you can initiate the flip by pulling your knees towards your chest, creating a tuck position. By decreasing your body's moment of inertia (the resistance to rotation), you increase your rotational speed.

c) Torque: To generate the torque necessary for the flip, you need to exert a force away from your desired rotation axis. This can be accomplished by extending your arms outward, creating a moment arm. As a result, the torque helps you rotate around the axis defined by the center of mass of your body.

d) Angular Momentum Conservation: During the flip, the law of conservation of angular momentum comes into play. As you tuck, your moment of inertia decreases, causing your angular velocity (rotational speed) to increase. By conserving angular momentum, the product of the moment of inertia and angular velocity remains constant.

e) Untuck and Land: To stop the rotation and prepare for landing, you extend your arms and legs, redistributing your body's mass away from the axis of rotation. This action increases your moment of inertia, decreasing your angular velocity and eventually bringing you back to an upright position.

So, the force for the flip is a result of your initial jump, which propels you vertically, combined with the torque generated by a combination of the tuck position and extending your arms outward while rotating.

2. When it comes to momentum, linear momentum and rotational momentum are separate quantities and should not be added together directly. They are conserved individually, similar to how energy is conserved separately for different forms of energy.

Linear momentum (p) is the product of an object's mass (m) and its velocity (v). It describes the motion of an object in a straight line.

Rotational momentum (L) is the product of an object's moment of inertia (I) and its angular velocity (ω). It describes the rotation of an object around a particular axis.

Net momentum, known as total momentum or simply momentum (P), can be calculated by adding up the individual linear momenta of all the objects involved in a system. It is a vector quantity that takes into account both the magnitude and direction of motion.

However, rotational momentum cannot be directly added to linear momentum, as they are fundamentally different quantities. Instead, if an object is both translating (moving in a straight line) and rotating, you need to consider both linear and rotational motion separately.

In summary, when dealing with the concept of momentum, linear momentum and rotational momentum should be treated as separate entities and not combined directly.