It is a prime number. The number is less than 30,greater than 20. The sum of thedigit is less than 10. What is the mystery number

I don't know 😅

To find the mystery number, we need to consider the given conditions:

1. The number is a prime number.
2. The number is less than 30.
3. The number is greater than 20.
4. The sum of the digits is less than 10.

Let's use these conditions to determine the mystery number step by step:

Step 1: Prime Numbers between 20 and 30:
The prime numbers between 20 and 30 are 23 and 29.

Step 2: Check the sum of digits:
For 23, the sum of its digits is 2 + 3 = 5.
For 29, the sum of its digits is 2 + 9 = 11.

Since the sum of digits for the mystery number needs to be less than 10, we can eliminate 29 from the possibilities.

Therefore, the mystery number is 23.