Imagine you are a reporter conducting a unique interview. Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad are sitting around a table having lunch with you. You are asking them questions about their respective faiths to inform your readers about the world’s three major monotheistic religions.

Your task is to create reasonable responses to your interview questions for each of these three important figures.

Step 1 Choose four of the following questions to ask Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad:

I already chose the four questions

.Why is the Holy Land an important site for your faith?

.What types of internal differences and divisions exist within your faith?

.How are the basic beliefs of your faith similar to the other monotheistic faiths?

.How are the basic beliefs of your faith different from the other monotheistic faiths?

You write up your responses, and someone here will critique it all for you.

As a reporter, you have the opportunity to ask Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad about their respective faiths. Here are the responses to the four selected questions:

1. Why is the Holy Land an important site for your faith?

The Holy Land holds great significance for Judaism because it is believed to be the promised land that God granted to the Jewish people. It is the land where Moses received the Ten Commandments and where our ancestors settled after their exodus from Egypt.

For Christianity, the Holy Land holds deep spiritual value as it is the region where I lived, preached, performed miracles, and ultimately sacrificed myself. Many significant events from my life, such as the Sermon on the Mount and the Last Supper, took place in this sacred land.

In Islam, the Holy Land is revered because it houses the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is the third holiest site in Islam. Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad journeyed from Mecca to Jerusalem during the Night Journey, establishing its importance within our faith.

2. What types of internal differences and divisions exist within your faith?

Within Judaism, there are different sects, such as Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform, which differ in their interpretations of religious laws and practices. These divisions arise from diverse understandings of the Torah and customs observed by Jewish communities worldwide.

Christianity has various denominations, including Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox. These branches often differ in their rituals, interpretations of scripture, hierarchical structures, and belief systems, causing divisions within the faith.

Within Islam, there are numerous sects, such as Sunni and Shia, each with its own interpretations of religious practices and leadership. These differences largely originated from historical and political events but still share a common belief in the core principles of Islam.

3. How are the basic beliefs of your faith similar to the other monotheistic faiths?

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share a belief in one God, monotheism, and the importance of moral conduct based on divine laws. We all emphasize the value of justice, respect for others, and the sacredness of life.

Similar to Judaism, Christianity and Islam share the belief in monotheism and the importance of moral values. Both faiths acknowledge the significance of prophets, divine revelations, and emphasize the love and compassion towards one another.

Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, believes in monotheism and the existence of one supreme God. All three faiths consider prophets as divine messengers who acted as intermediaries between God and humanity. We also share the concept of accountability and the Day of Judgment.

4. How are the basic beliefs of your faith different from the other monotheistic faiths?

One distinction of Judaism is the strong emphasis on the covenant between God and the Jewish people, as symbolized by the Torah and the obedience to its commandments. Judaism does not recognize Jesus or Muhammad as prophets or messiahs.

Christianity differs from both Judaism and Islam as it recognizes Jesus as the Son of God and the central figure of salvation. It emphasizes the belief in his life, death, and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins, which distinguishes it from the other two faiths.

In Islam, we believe that Muhammad was the final prophet chosen by God to convey His message. Islam sees itself as a continuation and completion of the previous Abrahamic faiths, while also emphasizing the surrender and submission to Allah's will as a core component of our faith.