Eduardo scored 29 points in his last basketball game. He only scored 2-point field goals and 3-point feild goals. If he made 12 field goals in the game, how many of each type did he make?

Let x represent the number of 2-point field goals and y represent the number of 3-point field goals.

its only asking for the equation, it says not to solve, please help i already got it wrong once


two is the number of two point shots
three is the number of three point shots.

two= 12-5=7

x+y = 12

2x+3y = 29

To determine the equation that represents the given scenario, consider the information provided:

1. Eduardo scored a total of 29 points in the game.
2. He made a total of 12 field goals.

Let's break down the scoring points for each type of field goal:

1. A 2-point field goal contributes 2 points to the total score.
2. A 3-point field goal contributes 3 points to the total score.

Using this information, we can create the equation:

2x + 3y = 29

Here, "2x" represents the total points from 2-point field goals (where 'x' is the number of 2-point field goals made), and "3y" represents the total points from 3-point field goals (where 'y' is the number of 3-point field goals made). The sum of these two expressions should equal 29, which is the total score made by Eduardo.

Keep in mind that this is just the equation representing the given scenario. To solve for the values of 'x' and 'y' (the number of each type of field goal Eduardo made), you would need to use further steps or methods, such as substitution or elimination, which are not necessary for this particular question.