Juan bought a new shirt on sale for 30 percent off the original price. He paid $28 dollars for it. What is the original price?


0.7x = 28

Solve for x.

To find the original price of the shirt, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Let x be the original price of the shirt.
Step 2: Since the discount was 30 percent, Juan paid 100 percent minus 30 percent of the original price. This can be written as: (100% - 30%) * x.
Step 3: According to the given information, Juan paid $28 for the shirt. Therefore, we can set up the equation: (100% - 30%) * x = $28.
Step 4: Simplify the equation by converting the percentages to decimals: (70/100) * x = $28.
Step 5: Multiply both sides of the equation by 100/70 to isolate x on one side: x = ($28 * (100/70)).
Step 6: Evaluate the expression to find the original price: x = $40.

Therefore, the original price of the shirt was $40.

To find the original price, we need to determine the amount of the discount first.

Discount can be calculated by multiplying the original price (OP) by the discount rate. In this case, the discount rate is 30 percent, or 0.30 in decimal form.

So, the discount amount (D) can be calculated as:
D = OP * 0.30

If Juan paid $28 after the discount, that means he paid the original price minus the discount amount:
OP - D = $28

Now we can substitute the value of D into the equation:
OP - (OP * 0.30) = $28

Simplifying the equation:
OP (1 - 0.30) = $28
OP * 0.70 = $28

To isolate OP, divide both sides of the equation by 0.70:
OP = $28 / 0.70

Calculating that:
OP = $40

Therefore, the original price of the shirt was $40.