Throughout June, the class practices for the play in the classroom. (Circle thePreposition, Cross out the Prepositional Phrase(s)., Underline the Subject once and the Verb Phrase twice.)

To identify the prepositions, prepositional phrases, subject, and verb phrase in the given sentence, follow these steps:

1. Read the sentence carefully: "Throughout June, the class practices for the play in the classroom."

2. Identify the preposition: The prepositions in this sentence are "throughout" and "in."

3. Circle the prepositions: Circle the word "throughout" and "in."

4. Cross out the prepositional phrases: A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition and its object. In this sentence, "throughout June" and "in the classroom" are prepositional phrases. Cross out these phrases.

5. Underline the subject once: The subject in this sentence is "the class." Underline it.

6. Underline the verb phrase twice: The verb phrase in this sentence is "practices for the play." Underline it twice.

After following these steps, you should have:

"Throughout June, the class practices for the play in the classroom."

Preposition(s): "Throughout" and "in."
Prepositional phrase(s): "Throughout June" and "in the classroom."
Subject (underlined once): "the class."
Verb phrase (underlined twice): "practices for the play."

Remember, the goal is to circle the prepositions, cross out the prepositional phrases, and underline the subject and verb phrase as indicated.

And you think ... ?
Study the different terms here so you learn to recognize them.

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Let's start with the prepositions and prepositional phrases. Study these sites and then post your answers.