posted by rfvv on Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at 1:10am.

Dona is a female animal...... She doesn't like chocolate.
Does Dona like chocolate?
1. No, she doesn't.
2. No, she doesn't like chocolate.
3. No, she doesn't like.
4. No, it doesn't.
(Which ones are correct answers?)

English - Reed, Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at 1:43am
1 and 2 are correct. Three doesn't make sense. She doesn't like what? And if we have identified Dona as female, she is not "it".

English - rfvv, Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at 1:53am
Thank you.
5. No, Dona doesn't.
(What about #5? Can we write 'Dona' instead of 'she'? In a writing test, if a kid writes "No, Dona doesn't." as the answer, is it correct or wrong in the USA?)

Yes, "Dona doesn't" is fine.

In the given context, the correct answers would be 1. No, she doesn't and 2. No, she doesn't like chocolate.

Option 3, "No, she doesn't like," doesn't make sense because it doesn't specify what Dona doesn't like. It's important to provide clarity in the response.

Option 4, "No, it doesn't," is incorrect because we have established that Dona is a female animal, not an inanimate object.

Regarding option 5, "No, Dona doesn't," it is grammatically correct, but it might not be the most preferred choice in this context. Since we have already established that Dona is a female, using "she" as a pronoun is more appropriate. However, "No, Dona doesn't" would still be considered an acceptable answer.

In a writing test, if a child writes "No, Dona doesn't" as the answer, it might be considered less preferred but not necessarily wrong in the United States. The preference would be to use the pronoun "she" while referring to a known female.