Given that the line y=mx+c is a tangent to the circle

(x-a)^2+(y-b)^2 = r^2

show that:



L: y=mx+c
C: (x-a)²+(y-b)²=r²

And if L is tangent to C, then
we can solve for the intersections of the line L with circle by substituting "y" in the circle with mx+c, thus

C: (x-a)²+(mx+c-b)²=r²
Expand and solve for quadratic in x to get:

Since L is a tangent, the two roots must be coincident, hence the terms inside the squareroot sign must vanish, giving
Factoring the above expression will give

[note, this is different from the expected answer you posted. Please check for typo on your part]