write an inequality to represent a situation the temperature stayed above -15 degrees

oops I'm here a bit late... aren't I...

Anyway, say this (well don't say this exactly, only check your answers.....)

Let t be the temperature. The inequality will be t > -15, and the reason why t is bigger is that the temperature stayed ABOVE -15.

Hope this helps:D, have a great day!


Tana dont call yourself stupid! I didnt know it either i bet all the views needed help on it too!

Tana, after the math in this section ... it's been horrid....the answer is just deceivingly simple. Good luck in the test!

T > -15

it doesn't get much simpler than this. Better review the section in your text... or google inequalities

To write an inequality that represents a situation where the temperature stayed above -15 degrees, you need to use mathematical symbols and the given condition.

An inequality is a statement that compares two quantities and indicates their relationship. In this case, we want to write an inequality that shows that the temperature is greater than -15 degrees.

The symbol ">" represents "greater than." So, the inequality that represents the situation is:

Temperature > -15

In words, this inequality can be read as "The temperature is greater than -15 degrees."

Thank you, Steve! sorry I am so stupid! Have a great day! :)