find the longitude of a town Y whose time is 8am when the time in another town X is 30 degress eastis 2pm the same day

well, since there are 360 degrees in a complete circle, and there are 24 hours in a day,

each hour of time shift involves 15 degrees of longitude.


To find the longitude of town Y, we need to calculate the time difference between town X and town Y.

Given that town X is 30 degrees east and it is 2 PM, we can assume that town X is on the eastern side of the reference meridian (usually the Prime Meridian, which passes through Greenwich, London).

To find the time difference due to the longitude, we need to know how many degrees correspond to an hour. Since there are 24 hours in a day and 360 degrees in a circle, we can divide 360 by 24 to find that each hour corresponds to 15 degrees of longitude.

So, if town Y is 8 AM when it is 2 PM in town X, then there is a time difference of 6 hours.

Since each hour corresponds to 15 degrees of longitude, to find the longitude of town Y, we can multiply the time difference (6 hours) by the degrees per hour (15 degrees).

Longitude of town Y = Time difference * Degrees per hour
= 6 hours * 15 degrees
= 90 degrees

Therefore, the longitude of town Y is 90 degrees.