Rectangle ABCD and WXYZ are such that AB=5cm BC=15cm wX=8cm XY=18cm Is ABCD similar to WXYZ? Give reason


the ratio between the sides is not equal

NO but i don't know why . Please explain


So sorry that answer was a mistake by my little brother . He was just being childish.

To determine if two quadrilaterals are similar, we need to compare their corresponding sides. Similarity of rectangles requires the additional condition that their corresponding angles are congruent.

In this case, we can compare the corresponding sides of rectangles ABCD and WXYZ:
- AB = 5 cm
- BC = 15 cm
- WX = 8 cm
- XY = 18 cm

Let's check if the ratios of the corresponding sides are equal:

Ratio of AB to WX: 5 cm / 8 cm = 0.625
Ratio of BC to XY: 15 cm / 18 cm = 0.833

The ratios are not equal, which means the sides are not proportional. Therefore, we can conclude that rectangles ABCD and WXYZ are not similar.

Reason: The corresponding sides of rectangles ABCD and WXYZ are not proportional, which is a requirement for similarity.