The Stage Manager sets the scene and introduces each act of the play with

a monologue
a question-and-answer session
the hymn "Blessed Be the Tie That Blinds"
stage directions

My answer: D

D is correct.

Um, are you discussing the role of the stage manager in the production of any play, or a character IN a specific play?

Correct! The Stage Manager sets the scene and introduces each act of the play with stage directions.

Stage directions are instructions found in a script that guide actors, directors, and technicians on how to effectively perform a play. They provide details on how the actors should move, speak, and interact with the set and props. These descriptions help bring the written words of the play to life on stage.

The Stage Manager is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the various elements of a production, ensuring that everything runs smoothly. It is their role to communicate the stage directions to the cast and crew, ensuring that everyone knows where they need to be on stage and what actions they need to perform.

By following the stage directions as written in the script, the Stage Manager helps to create a well-structured and cohesive production, allowing the audience to fully understand and appreciate each act of the play.