Jake is mapping out important family events. He uses negative numbers to represent time before he was born and positive numbers to represent time after he was born. For example, Jake's mum was born in year −20, and Jake's sister was born in year 5. How old was Jake's mum when his sister was born

Start at -20 and move right to +5

How far have you moved? That's how many years had passed

To find out how old Jake's mum was when his sister was born, we need to calculate the difference in their birth years.

From the given information, we know that Jake's mum was born in year −20, and Jake's sister was born in year 5.

To calculate the age difference, we subtract Jake's mum's birth year from Jake's sister's birth year:

5 - (-20) = 5 + 20 = 25

Therefore, Jake's mum was 25 years old when his sister was born.