Simplify 4+3(7+4*2)-1000


Either the 1000 should be 100

or the answer is -951

To simplify the expression 4 + 3(7 + 4 * 2) - 1000, we need to follow the order of operations, which is often remembered with the acronym PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

Step 1: Calculate within parentheses:
Inside the parentheses (7 + 4 * 2), we first multiply 4 and 2. Since multiplication comes before addition, we get 7 + 8.

7 + 8 = 15

Step 2: Apply multiplication:
Now, we multiply 3 by the result from step 1 (15).

3 * 15 = 45

Step 3: Add and subtract:
Moving to the addition and subtraction in the expression, we have:

4 + 45 - 1000

Step 4: Perform the remaining calculations:
Finally, we add 4 and 45 to get:

4 + 45 = 49

Now, subtracting 1000 from 49:

49 - 1000 = -951

Therefore, simplifying the expression 4 + 3(7 + 4 * 2) - 1000 gives us -951.