On centimeter dot grid draw all possible rectangles with a perimeter of 16 cm and sides whose lengths are whole centimeters

Stupid!it didn’t even help me solve it!

This helped. Only issue is 4 x 4 would be a square and the question was to find possible rectangles.

the length and width must add up to 8, so the only possible dimensions are


Ugh,stupid!didnt even help meh on ‘dis prob!

To draw all possible rectangles with a perimeter of 16 cm and sides whose lengths are whole centimeters, we need to consider all the possible combinations of side lengths that satisfy the given conditions.

Let's start by listing down the possible lengths of one side of the rectangle. Since the lengths are whole centimeters, we can have side lengths from 1 cm to 7 cm (as any length greater than 7 cm would result in a perimeter greater than 16 cm).

Side Length (in cm): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Now, for each side length, we can find the corresponding remaining side length by subtracting the length from the perimeter and subtracting it from the list of possible side lengths.

For example, if one side has a length of 1 cm, the remaining side length can be calculated as:

Remaining Side Length = Perimeter - Side Length
Remaining Side Length = 16 cm - 1 cm
Remaining Side Length = 15 cm

If we check the list of possible side lengths, we see that 15 cm is not a possible length. So, we move on to the next side length.

Continuing this process for each possible side length, we can find all the rectangles that satisfy the given conditions. Here are the possible rectangles:

1. Length: 1 cm, Width: 7 cm (or vice versa)
2. Length: 2 cm, Width: 6 cm (or vice versa)
3. Length: 3 cm, Width: 5 cm (or vice versa)
4. Length: 4 cm, Width: 4 cm

Now, you can use a centimeter dot grid to draw these rectangles. Place one side of the rectangle on the x-axis (horizontal axis) and the other side on the y-axis (vertical axis) of the dot grid. Use the side lengths obtained above to draw the rectangles accurately.