Which word best describes the theme of "Sympathy" by Paul Laurence Dunbar?


I choose C only because it seems more sense but I'm still a little confused...

I don't think it's admiration.

The first two stanzas are about restriction; the last seems to be about hope.


You could google "Sympathy" theme to get some other ideas.

Well, Dunbar certainly feels sympathy for the bird. Does that mean admiration?


Okay..my other guess is hope

To determine the best word that describes the theme of "Sympathy" by Paul Laurence Dunbar, it is important to fully understand the poem and identify recurrent elements or overarching ideas. First, let's look at a brief summary of the poem:

"Sympathy" is a poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar, an African American poet. The poem uses vivid imagery of a caged bird longing for freedom to explore the themes of oppression, captivity, and the longing for liberation. The caged bird serves as a metaphor for the restrictions imposed on African Americans during the time Dunbar was writing.

Now, let's analyze the given word choices in relation to the poem:

A) Hope: While the bird in the poem does express a longing for freedom, the overall tone is more focused on the restrictive nature of its current situation rather than a sense of hope for liberation. Therefore, this word may not be the best choice.

B) Restriction: This word accurately captures one of the central themes in the poem. The caged bird represents the restrictions and limitations imposed on African Americans during that time. The poem highlights the confinement, powerlessness, and frustration that result from these limitations. Consequently, this word seems to be a valid option.

C) Admiration: Although there is no explicit mention of admiration in the poem, one could argue that the poem aims to evoke empathy and understanding from the readers towards the struggles faced by the marginalized community. However, admiration is not the overarching theme and therefore may not be the most suitable choice.

D) Activity: The poem mainly focuses on the emotional experience of the caged bird and the reflection of the poet's own situation. There is no direct emphasis on any particular activity happening within the poem, making this word less applicable to the theme.

Based on the analysis, the most appropriate word to describe the theme of "Sympathy" by Paul Laurence Dunbar would be B) Restriction. It encapsulates the central idea of the poem, which revolves around the captivity and limitations placed on individuals.

Remember, analyzing the themes of a poem requires a careful reading and interpretation of the text, as well as a consideration of the historical context and the poet's intentions.