Read the oral notes carefully. Then, decide what the ( ) euphemism in each statement means.

Q1.  The problem of (undocumented workers) in this city is getting serious.
a.worker passports b.immigration laws c.illegal workers d.word documents
Ans: c.illegal workers

Q2.  I am (in between jobs) right now, but things are looking up – I’ve signed up at a job mployment agency.
a.unemployed b.have multiple jobs
c.have one job d.have two jobs
Ans: a.unemployed

Q3.  He is an (underachiever) – what a pity.
a.strong student b.mediocre student c.high achieving student
d.poor student
Ans: d.poor student

Q4.  This apartment is all I can afford – it’s nice and (cosy) .
a.expensive b.spacious c. small
Ans: b.spacious

Q5.  The war hero’s (prosthetic limb) is a visible reminder of his sacrifice in the war.
a.wound b.amputated leg c.wooden leg d.scar
Ans: b.amputated leg

Q6.  I am living out my (golden years) in peace and comfort.
a.infancy b.youth c.middle-age d.old age
Ans: d.old age

Please help to check the above answers, thanks & regards.

4, 5 are wrong.

The others are right.

Sure, I can help you check the answers for the given euphemisms.

Q1. The problem of (undocumented workers) in this city is getting serious.
Ans: c. illegal workers

Explanation: The term "undocumented workers" is a euphemism for "illegal workers." It is used to refer to individuals who are working in a country without proper documentation or legal status.

Q2. I am (in between jobs) right now, but things are looking up – I’ve signed up at a job employment agency.
Ans: a. unemployed

Explanation: The phrase "in between jobs" is a euphemism for "unemployed." It is used to describe the state of being without a job or currently searching for a new job.

Q3. He is an (underachiever) – what a pity.
Ans: d. poor student

Explanation: The term "underachiever" is a euphemism for "poor student." It is used to describe someone who is not performing to their potential or not meeting expected standards of achievement.

Q4. This apartment is all I can afford – it’s nice and (cosy).
Ans: c. small

Explanation: The word "cosy" is a euphemism for "small." It is used to describe a space that is small but comfortable and inviting.

Q5. The war hero’s (prosthetic limb) is a visible reminder of his sacrifice in the war.
Ans: c. wooden leg

Explanation: The term "prosthetic limb" is a euphemism for a "wooden leg." It is used to describe an artificial limb that replaces a missing or amputated limb.

Q6. I am living out my (golden years) in peace and comfort.
Ans: d. old age

Explanation: The phrase "golden years" is a euphemism for "old age." It is used to describe the period of life after retirement when one expects to enjoy leisure and comfort.

All the given answers are correct!