Which of these values was central to the Transcendentalist writers?

Connection with nature

Connection with urban life

Patriotism for the United States

Charity for the poor

(I'm thinking either A or C)

I picked A and it was correct. Thanks

Very good! =)

The Transcendentalist writers placed a strong emphasis on connection with nature. They believed that nature held deep spiritual and philosophical significance, and that individuals could find truth and enlightenment through a direct, intuitive experience with the natural world. To determine whether patriotism for the United States was central to Transcendentalist writers, let's examine their beliefs and works.

Transcendentalism emerged in the mid-19th century as a philosophical and intellectual movement in America. Transcendentalists sought to break away from traditional religious and societal institutions and instead focus on individual spirituality, self-reliance, and intuition. They believed in the inherent goodness of both humanity and nature and aimed to discover divinity within themselves and the natural world.

The concept of patriotism for the United States was not central to Transcendentalism. While some Transcendentalist writers such as Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson were engaged in social and political activism, their focus was not on promoting patriotism or nationalism. Rather, they criticized social conformity, materialistic values, and the morally questionable actions of their government. Their writing often encouraged individuals to think independently, question authority, and live in harmony with nature.

Therefore, the correct answer is "A. Connection with nature." Transcendentalist writers believed that nature was a source of spiritual insight, and their works often celebrated the beauty and essential truths found in the natural world.

thanks :)

its A
got a 25% out of 25%
thanks so much

Which of these values was central to the Transcendentalist writers


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