Can you proof read or correct my sentence?

Why does immigrant migrate even though we have a law as being illegal? There are various
reasons for illegal immigrant migrating such as seeking for job, for safe life and for quality of
life. Because of the unemployment, people tends to leave their country and move other countries
for other job opportunities. Mostly in the U.S. are known for having employment since many
immigrants been told that this is the promise land which is known the American Dream. The safe
life comparing to other countries which in U.S., we have democracy the other don’t have the
same privilege as we do. The quality life in U.S. people often portrayed as this country with
luxurious and economic opportunities that attracts the attentions of many immigrants.
“Permitting undocumented immigrants to gain legal status and citizenship would expand
economic growth. Granting citizenship to undocumented immigrants would create jobs and
increase tax revenues.” The illegal immigrant has beneficial for this society and I learn that how many facts on the illegal immigrants is favorable from this quote. Many describe as
disadvantageous based on their point of view instead of statistics.

Which sentence would you like us to correct?

Mostly all of them please

The best advice I can give you, at least, is to make your subjects and verbs agree. They don't. For example, one tends to do something while people tend to do something. Singular and plural forms must match. Another, different example of an error: "...move other countries..." makes no sense. People move TO other countries.

I am assuming English is your second language. You're doing quite well, but need some polishing. We can't rewrite your essay for you, but you can by paying attention to the details.

Helen, to be a little clearer, I hope, you can't move a country. Canada, Mexico, France, etc. can't be moved. One can move TO Canada, Mexico, or France, but we can't move the country. Do you see the difference?

Sure! Here is the corrected version of your sentence:

"Why do immigrants migrate even though we have laws against it? There are various reasons for illegal immigration, such as seeking employment, a safer life, and better quality of life. Due to unemployment, people tend to leave their own countries and move to other countries for job opportunities. The United States is often seen as the promised land with many employment options, known as the American Dream. In comparison to other countries, the U.S. provides a safer life due to democracy, which is a privilege not available in other places. People often view the U.S. as a country with a high quality of life, luxurious living, and economic opportunities that attract the attention of many immigrants.

"Permitting undocumented immigrants to gain legal status and citizenship would contribute to economic growth. Granting citizenship to undocumented immigrants would create jobs and increase tax revenues. Many of the facts about illegal immigrants show their positive impact on society, and it is important to rely on statistics rather than personal opinions when describing their advantages or disadvantages."

Please note that I have made some additional changes for clarity and grammar improvement.