Which of the following laws is considered a trade barrier?

a) A company that produces furniture is shut down
b) federal aid given to unemployed workers from a factory
c) paying money to an industry to encourage it to make goods in the country ***
d) consumers deciding to purchase only locally made goods

What is one potential negative consequence associated with free trade?
a) Import and export taxes are high under free trade.
b) Buyers and sellers can no longer make price decisions.
c) Countries that practice free trade have high unemployment.
d) People in certain industries earn lower wages or sell fewer products. ***

Which policy would be in the best interests of consumers?
a) increasing tariffs
b) decreasing minimum wage
c) breaking up large companies to increase competition
d) changing loan interest rates to encourage saving rather than borrowing ***

I agree with your first two answers, but not the third.

No. That would create few consumers because low-wage workers couldn't buy much.

D is a good answer but I think there's a better one. Check your text. We will not check any more answers for this question. Do not post it again.

It will be this "breaking up large companies to increase competition", they will compete and lower prices for customers?

Alright, so answer D is more closely relate to economy than it is to benefit consumers. Answer C would allow prices to become lower as the companies compete for consumers. C is the best option

c for the third one

c D c

For third question, then...

b) decreasing minimum wage