1. x^9/X^2


Ned answers to the Exponets and Divsions test

You also need to pay attention to your spelling -- three of eight words are misspelled. That's being rude to your readers!

Also -- this is your warning. Cheaters are banned.

review your rules of exponents as it applies to division of powers.

This one is a straightforward application of one of those rules.
If this is for a test, you MUST know this.

x^9/x^2 is the same as x^9 รท x^2

To simplify the expression x^9 / x^2, we can use the rule of exponents that states when you divide two terms with the same base, you subtract their exponents. In this case, both terms have a base of x.

So, x^9 / x^2 = x^(9-2) = x^7.

Therefore, the simplified expression is x^7.

If you have a specific value for x, you can substitute it into the expression to calculate the actual value. For example, if x = 2:

2^7 = 128.

So, for x = 2, the expression x^9 / x^2 equals 128.