Find the degree of -5w^3-4w^2+7w+16

A. -5
B. 16
C. 14
D. 3
I don't understand polynomials can sometime help me?

Certainly! I can help you understand polynomials and how to find the degree of one.

A polynomial is an algebraic expression that contains one or more terms, where each term consists of variables raised to non-negative integer powers, multiplied by coefficients. The degree of a polynomial is the highest exponent of the variable in the expression.

Let's consider the given polynomial: -5w^3 - 4w^2 + 7w + 16.

To find the degree of this polynomial, we need to determine the highest exponent of the variable, which in this case is 'w'.

The term with the highest exponent of 'w' is -5w^3, so the degree of this polynomial is 3.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. 3.

the "degree" is the value of the largest exponent