Which of the following elements of design is the only element that is not added to a design?

1) Typography

2) Shape

3) Color

4) Space

1. a,b,d

2. c
3. d
4. a
5. d

My answer is Space.

yes, it is.

Is space it or is typography it??????????????

For me it's space cuz I got 30/30 on summative tho

The element of design that is not added to a design is space.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand what each of the elements of design entail:

1) Typography: Typography refers to the style, arrangement, and appearance of text. It involves selecting appropriate fonts, sizes, and spacing to enhance the legibility and visual appeal of written content in a design. Typography is intentionally added to design to convey information effectively.

2) Shape: Shape refers to the outline or form of an object or element within a design. Shapes can be geometric (e.g., squares, circles) or organic (e.g., irregular or freeform shapes). Designers deliberately incorporate various shapes to create visual interest and structure in their compositions.

3) Color: Color is a fundamental element of design that involves the use of different hues, shades, and tones to evoke emotions, establish visual hierarchy, and communicate messages. Designers intentionally select and apply colors to add vibrancy, contrast, and harmony to their designs.

4) Space: Space refers to the areas within and around design elements. It is the absence or lack of content in a design. Space allows for visual separation and organization of elements, creating a sense of balance and clarity within a composition. Designers actively utilize space by strategically placing elements to give them room to breathe and establish a visual flow.

Among these elements, space is the only one that is not deliberately "added" in the sense of being physically or visually placed within a design. Instead, it is the natural and inherent emptiness or negative space that surrounds and separates design elements.