You live 2 3/4 miles from school. In the morning, you walk 1/3 mile directly toward school to take the bus. After school, you walk home the same distance when the bus drops you off. How many miles do you ride the bus to and from school each day?I dunno what to do


on each trip,

walk = 1/3
bus = 2 3/4 - 1/3 = 2 5/12

To find out how many miles you ride the bus to and from school each day, you need to add up the distances you walk to the bus stop and the distances you ride the bus.

First, calculate the total distance you walk to and from the bus stop each day. Since you walk 1/3 mile to the bus stop in the morning and then walk the same distance back home after school, you walk a total of 1/3 + 1/3 = 2/3 mile per day.

Next, subtract the distance you walk to and from the bus stop from the total distance you live from school. You live 2 3/4 (or 11/4) miles from school, and since you walk 2/3 mile to and from the bus stop, the distance you ride the bus to and from school is 11/4 - 2/3 = (33/12) - (8/12) = 25/12 miles.

Therefore, you ride the bus a total of 25/12 miles to and from school each day.