In rhombus MPKN with an obtuse angle K the diagonals intersect each other at point E. The measure of one of the angles of a ∆PKE is equal 16°. Find the measures of all angles of ∆PKE and ΔPMN.

To find the measures of all angles of ΔPKE and ΔPMN, let's start by understanding the properties of a rhombus:

1. In a rhombus, all sides are equal in length.
2. Opposite angles of a rhombus are congruent.
3. The diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular bisectors of each other. This means they divide each other into two equal parts and form right angles.

Now let's analyze ΔPKE:

1. ΔPKE is a triangle formed by the sides of the rhombus and the diagonal PE.
2. We are given that ∠PKE = 16°.

Since PE is a diagonal and bisects ∠K, we know that ∠PKE = ∠PKE = 16°.

Since opposite angles of a rhombus are congruent:
∠PKE = ∠EMK = 16°.

Applying the property that the diagonals of a rhombus form right angles, we know that ∠P = ∠M = 90°.

Now let's analyze ΔPMN:

1. ΔPMN is also a triangle formed by the sides of the rhombus and the diagonal PE.
2. Since PM is a diagonal and bisects ∠N, we can say that ∠NPM = ∠NPK.
3. Since PN is a diagonal and bisects ∠M, we can say that ∠NMP = ∠MPK.

Since opposite angles of a rhombus are congruent:
∠NPM = ∠NPK = ∠PKM (let's call this angle x).
∠NMP = ∠MPK = ∠MKE (let's call this angle y).

Now, since the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180°, we can set up the equation:
∠NPM + ∠NMP + ∠PMN = 180°.

Substituting the values, we have:
x + y + 90 = 180°.

Simplifying the equation, we get:
x + y = 90°.

So, the measure of ∠NPM = ∠NPK = ∠PKM = x and the measure of ∠NMP = ∠MPK = ∠MKE = y.

Thus, in ΔPMN, the measures of all three angles are x and in ΔPKE, the measures of all three angles are 16°.

Note: Since we don't have any additional information or relationships between the angles, we cannot determine their exact values without further information.

To find the measures of all angles of ∆PKE and ∆PMN, we can start by examining the properties of rhombus MPKN and using them to determine the relationships between the different angles.

1. Rhombus Properties:
- In a rhombus, all four sides are congruent.
- The opposite angles are equal.
- The diagonals bisect each other at right angles.

2. Angle Relationships in Rhombus MPKN:
Let's label the angles in rhombus MPKN as follows:
- ∠M = ∠P = ∠N = ∠K (opposite angles are equal)
- ∠M + ∠P + ∠K = 180° (sum of angles in a triangle)
- ∠M + ∠P + ∠N + ∠K = 360° (sum of angles in a quadrilateral)

3. Angle ∠PKE:
From the given information, we know that ∠PKE = 16°.

4. Angle ∠KEP:
Since ∠M + ∠P + ∠K = 180°, and ∠PKE = 16°, we can find ∠KEP by:
∠KEP = 180° - ∠M - ∠P - ∠K
= 180° - ∠PKE - ∠P - ∠K
= 180° - 16° - ∠P - ∠K
= 164° - ∠P - ∠K

5. Angle ∠EKP:
Since the diagonals of the rhombus bisect each other at right angles, ∠EKP = 90°.

6. Angle ∠KEM:
Since ∠KEM is an angle formed by intersecting lines, and ∠KEM and ∠EKP form a straight line, we can determine ∠KEM by subtracting ∠EKP from 180°:
∠KEM = 180° - ∠EKP
= 180° - 90°
= 90°

Now, let's summarize the measures of the angles in ∆PKE and ∆PMN:

∠PKE = 16°
∠KEP = 164° - ∠P - ∠K
∠EKP = 90°

∆PMN (since MPKN is a rhombus, PMN is also a triangle):
∠PMN = 180° - ∠N - ∠M
= 180° - ∠K - ∠M
∠NMN = ∠M = ∠K = ∠P
∠NPM = 180° - ∠N - ∠NMN

To find the measures of all angles, you will need to know the values of ∠P and ∠K.