Which of the following materials is a good conductor of electric current?

A-Glass pane
B-Wooden spoon
C-Silver spoon
D-Rubber tire

Ans: C.

Ans : C -Silver spoon . Because it is a good conducted of electricity.

The material option that is a good conductor of electric current is C - Silver spoon.

To determine which of the materials listed is a good conductor of electric current, we first need to understand what it means to be a good conductor.

A good conductor of electric current allows the flow of electrons, which carry the electric charge, with little resistance. Generally, metals are known to be good conductors of electricity due to the ability of their atoms to easily transfer electrons.

Now, let's evaluate each material:

A. Glass pane: Glass is primarily composed of silicon dioxide and is an insulator, which means it does not allow the flow of electric current easily. So, glass is not a good conductor of electric current.

B. Wooden spoon: Wood is also an insulator and does not conduct electricity efficiently. Therefore, a wooden spoon is not a good conductor of electric current.

C. Silver spoon: Silver is a metal, and metals, in general, are good conductors of electricity. Silver has a very high electrical conductivity, so a silver spoon would be a good conductor of electric current.

D. Rubber tire: Rubber is another insulating material that does not allow the flow of electric current. Hence, a rubber tire is not a good conductor of electric current.

Therefore, out of the materials listed, the silver spoon (choice C) is the one that is a good conductor of electric current.