which constitutional issue was president lincoln addressing in this excerpt?

Unfortunately, you haven't provided any excerpt for me to analyze and determine the constitutional issue that President Lincoln was addressing. Please provide the relevant excerpt, and I will be happy to assist you in identifying the constitutional issue being discussed.

In order to provide a specific answer, I would need the excerpt you are referring to. However, I can explain how you can determine the constitutional issue President Lincoln was addressing in any given excerpt.

1. Read and understand the excerpt: Start by carefully reading the excerpt to grasp its context, ideas, and arguments. Make sure to identify any key terms or phrases that might hint at a constitutional issue.

2. Research historical context: Explore the historical events and circumstances surrounding the excerpt. Was there a significant incident, conflict, or constitutional controversy happening during that time? Understanding the broader context can help you narrow down the constitutional issue being addressed.

3. Identify constitutional principles or provisions: Look for any references to specific parts of the Constitution, such as articles, amendments, or legal concepts. Pay attention to mentions of individual rights, separation of powers, federalism, or other constitutional provisions.

4. Consider relevant constitutional debates: Analyze the political and legal debates happening during President Lincoln's time. Did any significant constitutional issues frequently arise during his presidency, such as slavery, states' rights, or the scope of executive power? These debates might provide clues about the specific constitutional issue being addressed.

5. Consult reliable sources: Take advantage of credible historical sources, scholarly articles, or reputable websites that discuss President Lincoln's speeches and actions. These sources can provide expert analysis and insights into the constitutional issue at hand.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you can determine the specific constitutional issue President Lincoln was addressing in a given excerpt or speech.

Which excerpt?

The legal ability of states to secede