What element should readers consider when exploring how different literary genres approach the same subject?

a. the ease of difficulty with which the subject can be analyzed

b. the authors’ personal feelings about the genres they select

c. the use of a structure that may be characteristic of a genre

d. the opinions of biased individuals with knowledge of the matter
I think the answer is A

the only other answer I see is C, is that what you think?

Yes, C.

c is the correct answer

I disagree.

but why is it c

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and examine each option:

a. The ease or difficulty of analyzing the subject: This is a relevant factor to consider when exploring how different literary genres approach the same subject. Some genres may lend themselves more easily to analysis, while others may require deeper interpretation and analysis.

b. The authors' personal feelings about the genres they select: While authors' personal feelings might influence their choice of genre, this may not necessarily be a reliable factor to consider when examining how different genres approach the same subject. Literary genres are defined by certain characteristics and conventions that guide their approach to subject matter.

c. The use of a genre-specific structure: This is an important element to consider when exploring how different genres approach the same subject. Various genres have distinct structures and narrative techniques that shape how they approach and convey the subject matter. Understanding genre-specific structures can shed light on different perspectives and approaches.

d. The opinions of biased individuals with knowledge of the matter: The opinions of biased individuals might offer a unique perspective, but it is not an element that should be solely relied upon to explore how different genres approach the same subject. It is important to consider a range of perspectives and sources rather than relying on the biases of particular individuals.

Considering these points, option c, "the use of a structure that may be characteristic of a genre," is the most appropriate answer. The structure of a genre is a fundamental aspect that shapes how different genres approach the same subject.