Write the poem arrow and song in the form of prose

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Sure! Here's the poem "Arrow and Song" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, presented in the form of prose:

In the golden autumn, when the leaves are falling, a little bird sits on a leafless tree. Its tiny beak opens, and it sings a sweet melody. The bird's song resonates through the stillness of the air, carried by the gentle breeze. The melody is like an arrow, piercing the hearts of those who listen.

The bird sings of love - a love that is pure and true. Its voice is filled with longing and passion, as it pours its soul into the song. The sweet music drifts across the fields and forests, reaching the ears of all who yearn for love.

As the bird continues to sing, its song becomes a beacon of hope. It spreads joy and comfort to those who are lost or in pain. The notes dance in the air, creating a symphony of emotions.

The bird's song transcends language and culture, touching the hearts of all who hear it. It speaks of life's mysteries, of dreams and aspirations, of the beauty and fragility of existence. Its voice carries the essence of the human experience.

The bird's melody invites us all to pause and reflect, to marvel at the wonders of the world. It reminds us of the power of music, of its ability to heal and connect. The song is a gift, given freely to those who are willing to listen.

And so, the little bird continues to sing, its song echoing through the ages. It has become an immortal melody, forever etched in the hearts of those who have been touched by its beauty. The bird's song, like an arrow, pierces through time, reminding us of the power of love and music.

To read the original poem "Arrow and Song" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, you can search for it in any poetry anthology or visit reputable poetry websites or online libraries.