Based on the quote, which conclusion can be made about the United States during World War II?

The quote below was written during the 1940s: "The senselessness of all the inactive manpower. . . . [M]en who are able and willing to do all they can to lick the Axis. . . . Why won't America let us?"

a.Minority groups living in the United States contributed more to the war effort than the government realized.
b.Minority groups living in the United States felt that they were able to contribute equally to the U.S. war efforts.
c.The government feared that certain groups might work to sabotage and not help U.S. efforts in the war.
d.The government had more than enough able bodies to win the war that they turned volunteers away.

It's not B

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the information provided in the quote. The quote expresses frustration about the "senselessness of all the inactive manpower" and questions why America won't let them contribute to "lick the Axis."

From this, we can infer that there were individuals who were able and willing to contribute to the war effort, but for some reason, they were being prevented from doing so. This suggests that the answer is not option D, as the government turning volunteers away would contradict the quote's sentiment.

Option A, stating that minority groups contributed more than the government realized, does not align with the quote since it does not explicitly mention minority groups. Therefore, this answer can be ruled out as well.

That leaves us with option C, which suggests that the government feared sabotage and suspected certain groups of not helping the U.S. war efforts. This conclusion is supported by the quote, which highlights the frustration of individuals who were willing to contribute but felt that America would not allow them to do so.

Therefore, the answer is C. The quote implies that the government had concerns about sabotage and the potential lack of support from some groups during World War II.

You're right, it's not b.