A man reaches his office from his residence in 10minutes at the rate of 6km per hour.How long will he take if he walks at the rate of 8Km per hour

The time taken is inversely proportional to the speed

t = k/v
if t = 10, v = 6
10 = k/6
k = 60

when v = 8
t = 60/8 = 7.5 minutes

4/3 the speed means 3/4 the time: 7.5 min.

To calculate the time it takes for the man to walk at a speed of 8 km per hour, we need to know the distance between his residence and office. However, the given information only provides the time it takes to travel at 6 km per hour.

To find the distance traveled at 6 km per hour, we need to use the speed-time-distance formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Given that the time it takes to travel at 6 km per hour is 10 minutes (which is equal to 10/60 hours), we can calculate the distance as:

Distance = 6 km/h × (10/60) h
Distance = 1 km

Now that we know the distance between his residence and office is 1 km, we can calculate the time it would take to walk at a speed of 8 km per hour.

To find the time, we can rearrange the speed-time-distance formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Substituting the values:

Time = 1 km / 8 km/h
Time = 0.125 hours

Converting the time from hours to minutes:

Time = 0.125 hours × 60 minutes/hour
Time = 7.5 minutes

Therefore, the man will take approximately 7.5 minutes if he walks at a speed of 8 km per hour.