The Europeans, in order to be successful living in North America, relied heavily on First Nation people. This is best shown by the ......

A. Assistance Europeans received incurring scurvy
B. Development of many skills to survive life in the Canadian wilderness
C. Assistance in negotiation trade agreement with other First Nation groups
D. Technology borrowed from the First Nations including Canoe

I picked A.

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What does it mean to incur scurvy? What is scurvy?

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To determine the correct answer, let's examine each option and their relation to European settlers' reliance on the First Nation people in North America:

A. Assistance Europeans received incurring scurvy: Scurvy is a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C. European settlers were often not knowledgeable about the local flora and lacked access to fresh fruits and vegetables. First Nation people, however, had extensive knowledge of the local flora and taught the Europeans how to use indigenous plants to prevent scurvy. This option highlights the assistance the Europeans received from First Nation people in preventing scurvy.

B. Development of many skills to survive life in the Canadian wilderness: This option suggests that European settlers relied on First Nation people to acquire the necessary skills to survive in the Canadian wilderness. It implies that First Nation people shared their knowledge and expertise with the European settlers. While this could suggest reliance, it does not explicitly mention the First Nation people's assistance.

C. Assistance in negotiation trade agreements with other First Nation groups: This option implies that First Nation people acted as intermediaries or facilitators in negotiating trade agreements between European settlers and other First Nation groups. It suggests that the Europeans relied on the First Nation people's help to establish trade relationships. This indeed demonstrates a form of reliance on the First Nation people.

D. Technology borrowed from the First Nations, including the canoe: This option highlights how European settlers borrowed technology, such as the canoe, from the First Nation people. It suggests that the settlers relied on the knowledge and skills of the First Nation people to navigate and transport goods. This, too, depicts a form of reliance on the First Nation people.

Considering all the options and their relation to the reliance of European settlers on First Nation people in North America, options A, C, and D all suggest different forms of reliance. However, option A is the most direct in expressing the assistance Europeans received in preventing scurvy, a vital contribution by the First Nation people, solidifying their important role in the settlers' success.

Therefore, based on the given options, the correct answer is A. Assistance Europeans received incurring scurvy.