find the square root of 21

a car traveled to and back home for 2 hours.if the speed was maintained constant at 30 km per hr.Find the distance in which a car traveled?

help me ms sue


distance=30km/hr * 2hr= 60 km (there and back)

To find the square root of 21, you can use an approximation or a calculator.

If you want to calculate it by hand, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by guessing a number close to the square root of 21. Let's say we guess 4.
2. Divide 21 by the guess (4 in this case) to get an initial estimate. 21/4 = 5.25
3. Take the average of the initial guess and the estimate. (4 + 5.25)/2 = 4.625
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 using the new estimate until you reach a desired level of accuracy. Let's do it for one more iteration.
- Repeat step 2: 21/4.625 = 4.5405
- Repeat step 3: (4.625 + 4.5405)/2 = 4.58275
5. Repeat the process until you reach your desired level of accuracy. The more iterations you do, the closer the estimate will be to the actual square root of 21.

Using this method, you would find that the square root of 21 is approximately 4.58275.

Alternatively, you can use a calculator or a math tool that supports square root calculations. Inputting √21 into a calculator will give you the exact square root value, which is approximately 4.58257569496.