A 37.0 g ice cube at -15.0 degreesC is placed in 224 g of water at 48.0 degreesC. Find the final temperature of the system when equilibrium is reached. Ignore the heat capacity of the container and assume this is in a calorimeter, i.e. the system is thermally insulated from the surroundings. Give your answer in degreesC with 3 significant figures.

Specific heat of ice: 2.090 J/g K

Specific heat of water: 4.186 J/g K

Latent heat of fusion for water: 333 J/g

To find the final temperature of the system when equilibrium is reached, we can use the principle of conservation of energy. The energy gained by the water must be equal to the energy lost by the ice cube.

First, let's calculate the energy gained by the water:
Energy gained by water = mass of water × specific heat of water × change in temperature
= 224 g × 4.186 J/g K × (final temperature - 48.0°C)

Next, let's calculate the energy lost by the ice cube:
Energy lost by ice = mass of ice × specific heat of ice × change in temperature
= 37.0 g × 2.090 J/g K × (final temperature - (-15.0°C))

Since the ice cube is also undergoing a phase change from solid to liquid (melting), we need to consider the energy required for this phase change:
Energy for melting = mass of ice × latent heat of fusion for water
= 37.0 g × 333 J/g

According to the principle of conservation of energy, the energy gained by the water must be equal to the energy lost by the ice cube plus the energy for melting:
Energy gained by water = Energy lost by ice + Energy for melting

Plugging in the values we know, we can solve for the final temperature of the system:
224 g × 4.186 J/g K × (final temperature - 48.0°C) = 37.0 g × 2.090 J/g K × (final temperature - (-15.0°C)) + 37.0 g × 333 J/g

Simplifying the equation, we get:
4.186 × 224 × (final temperature - 48.0) = 2.090 × 37.0 × (final temperature + 15.0) + 37.0 × 333

Now, we can solve for the final temperature of the system. Solving the equation, the final temperature comes out to be approximately 4.91°C. Therefore, the final temperature of the system when equilibrium is reached is approximately 4.91°C.