Use arrow notation to wrote a rule for this translation. the cornites used to be a= 1,3 b= 4,5 c= 3,1 but then were shifted 1 unit to the right and 2 units down. The aigted coordinates are a= 2,1 b= 5,2 c= 4,-1

I dont understand the rule part.

what happens to each x and y to get from one to the other? The result is

shifted 1 unit to the right and 2 units down

So, the rule is (x,y) -> (x+1,y-2)

and I have no idea of the meanings of "cornites" and "aigted"

The rule for this translation can be written using arrow notation as follows:

(a, b) --> (a + 1, b - 2)

This means that for each point (a, b) in the original coordinate system, the corresponding translated point in the new coordinate system is obtained by adding 1 to the x-coordinate and subtracting 2 from the y-coordinate.

The rule in this case refers to the translation that was applied to the coordinates. Translation involves shifting the points in a given direction by a certain amount.

To write the rule using arrow notation, we consider the shift that was made. In this case, the points were shifted 1 unit to the right and 2 units down.

To represent the rightward shift, we use the arrow notation "<number> to the right". In this case, it is "1 to the right".

To represent the downward shift, we use the arrow notation "<number> down". In this case, it is "2 down".

So, the rule in arrow notation for this translation is: (x, y) ➝ (x + 1, y - 2)

Applying this rule to each of the original coordinates (a=1,3; b=4,5; c=3,1), we get the transformed coordinates: a=2,1; b=5,2; c=4,-1.