the titre I am obtaining in the titration of hydrochloric acid against sodium trioxocarbonate (iv) decahydrate is out of range.(42.40cm3). How should I go about it?

If the titre you obtained in the titration of hydrochloric acid against sodium trioxocarbonate (IV) decahydrate is out of range (42.40 cm³), here's what you can do:

1. Verify your procedure: Double-check the steps you followed during the titration process. Ensure that you accurately measured and mixed the solutions, performed the titration correctly, and recorded the results accurately.

2. Repeat the titration: Perform the titration again to confirm the results. Make sure to use fresh solutions and carefully follow the procedure.

3. Check the concentration of your solutions: Ensure that the concentrations of both the hydrochloric acid and sodium trioxocarbonate (IV) decahydrate solutions are accurately prepared. You can use a calibrated analytical balance or a known concentration standard to verify the concentration.

4. Adjust your technique: During the titration, pay attention to the color change of the indicator or any other visual cues indicating the endpoint. Adjust your technique, such as slowing down the addition of the titrant or increasing the stirring rate, to obtain a more accurate result.

5. Perform additional trials: If you are still getting inconsistent results, consider performing more than two trials to calculate the average titre. This will help reduce the impact of any potential errors or outliers on your overall result.

6. Seek guidance: Consult your laboratory instructor, teacher, or supervisor for guidance. They may provide additional insights, potential sources of error, or suggest alternative approaches to improve the accuracy of your titration.

Remember, titrations can be sensitive experiments, and obtaining out-of-range results can be caused by various factors such as experimental error, incorrect calculations, or improper technique. By carefully reviewing your procedure, repeating the titration, and ensuring accurate concentrations, you can improve the accuracy and reliability of your results.