Design a class called SimpleCalculator using psudoecode that contains public methods named add(),

subtract(). Each of the methods accepts two numeric arguments and returns a number that represents the
result of the appropriate arithmetic operation

Sure! Here's a pseudocode implementation of the SimpleCalculator class with the add() and subtract() methods:

class SimpleCalculator:
// Public method to add two numbers
method add(number1, number2) returns number:
result = number1 + number2
return result

// Public method to subtract two numbers
method subtract(number1, number2) returns number:
result = number1 - number2
return result

1. We define a class named SimpleCalculator.
2. We have two public methods: add() and subtract().
3. The add() method takes two numeric arguments, "number1" and "number2", and returns the result of adding them together.
4. Inside the add() method, the two numbers are added together and stored in the variable "result".
5. Finally, the "result" is returned.
6. The subtract() method is similar to the add() method. It takes two numeric arguments, subtracts the second number from the first number, and returns the result.

Note: Pseudocode is not an actual programming language. It is a simplified representation of code logic to explain the algorithm or concept. You would need to convert this pseudocode into a specific programming language like Python or Java to implement the SimpleCalculator class.