Aaron and Alex are hanging out after school at Aaron's house. They found 3/4 of a package of crackers and ate 1/2 of them. What fraction of the package did they eat?

Multiply the two fractions.

Are you sure

Yes. What do you get when you multiply the two fractions? Does the answer make sense to you?

I dont get it

Do you know how to multiply fractions?

Yes but since it said ate doesn't it mean subtract

Too figure out a fraction of a fraction you multiply them together.


You must multiply those fractions.

Your question states that they ate a fraction of a fraction. The word "of" means multiply.

If you subtract 2/4 from 3/4, you'd get 1/4. Yet obviously they ate more than 1/4 of the package.

To find out what fraction of the package of crackers Aaron and Alex ate, we need to multiply the fraction of the package they found by the fraction of the package they ate.

The fraction they found is 3/4 of the package of crackers.

The fraction they ate is 1/2 of the package they found.

So, we multiply 3/4 by 1/2 to get the fraction they ate:

(3/4) * (1/2) = 3/8

Therefore, Aaron and Alex ate 3/8 of the package of crackers.