A heat engine performs 272 J of work in each cycle while also delivering 241 J of heat to the cold reservoir. Find the efficiency of the heat engine. Give your answer in percent (%) and with 3 significant figures.

efficiency = work output/work input

= 241 J / 272 J
= ?

(Mult. Answer by 100 to convert to %)

To find the efficiency of the heat engine, we can use the following formula:

Efficiency = (Work Output / Heat Input) x 100%

Given data:
Work Output (W) = 272 J
Heat Input (Qin) = 241 J

Plugging in the values into the formula:

Efficiency = (272 J / 241 J) x 100%

To calculate the numerical value of the efficiency, we divide the work output by the heat input:

Efficiency = 1.1278...

Now, to express the efficiency in percent and with three significant figures, we round the value to three decimal places and multiply by 100%.

Efficiency = 112.8%

Therefore, the efficiency of the heat engine is approximately 112.8% with three significant figures.